Your Daily Horoscope for Thursday July 22

By Hedy Damari July 22, 2021 â€" 12.00am


March 21- April 19

You like to have a plan but today, difficult as it may, try not to overthink things and be a bit more flexible. It’s also wise to listen to people but not waste time weighing up everyone’s advice. This is one of those times when you really need to go with your gut and not your head.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

Today is the day to indulge in some super well deserved fun! The Sun is about to leave your sector of leisure and pleasure for another year so enjoy what you can and live in the moment. In fact, make a point of enjoying each minute and living in the present for at least an hour per day.


May 21-June 21

Although as a mutable sign you’re not really a creature of habit and are, by and large, flexible, today you will crave stability and familiarity. People, places and rituals that are long held will be your safe place but you need to harness all of the courage you can muster and make room for last minute changes.


June 22-July 22

Make the most of the Sun in your money sector before it departs tomorrow. If there’s a deal that should be sealed, a debt that needs to be settled or more that is owed to you, do your utmost to make it all happen so you can wipe the slate clean at start fresh. Taureans and Aquarians will be great allies.


July 23-August 22

Have you done all that you possibly can to improve your spiritual wellbeing? If there’s more exploring to be done do so today before the Sun leaves your sector of solitude and mysticism. Commit to daily meditation and daily walks for your mind, as much as your body. Stop and smell the roses and make an effort to be present.


August 23-September 22

You’re known for being incredibly loyal and your ability to keep things in the vault is beyond comparison. However, a friend’s spilt secret will put you in a major quandary. Do you mind your own business and deny your friend the truth or do you come clean and brace yourself for the consequences? Follow your intuition.


September 23-October 22

As one of the more artistic signs, creativity and self-expression is very important to you. However today you may feel as though your communication or inner artist is being somewhat stifled. Take a moment and immerse yourself in a change of scenery or company. Inspiration will strike when you least expect it as long as you remove yourself from the equation.


October 23 â€" November 22

You’ll have a lot on your plate today. Get all of the mundane stuff out of the way and try to stay focussed as there’ll be lots of distractions. People will want to stop and chat and you’ll be tempted to partake as you’ll feel extra chatty but it’s best if you stay on your path then you can cut loose.


November 23-December 20

You may feel a little anxious today or a bit out of your comfort zone. Don’t avoid situations that you anticipate will be uncomfortable or tricky and push through. Unwinding will be a slow burn but the chances that you’ll eventually get into the groove, come to a sensible conclusion or accomplish something exciting and new.


December 21-January 19

As an independent Goat, you’re known for being very independent and like to do things by yourself. However, today you may need to put your pride aside. Accept help when it’s offered whether it’s a loan, advice - unsolicited or requested, or support from the last person you’d want to. An ex may also resurface bringing a great opportunity for closure.


January 20-February 18

Water Bearers are known for having thick skin and hiding their feelings, often using sarcasm and a tool. Today though you need to lower your guard and allow yourself to be vulnerable. You’ll be touched by the empathy from close friends and it’ll feel great to be able to unload, even have a good cry.


February 19-March 20

Today you may demand an explanation from someone or a system letting you down or not doing their job properly. Good for you! The squeaky wheel will get the oil so don’t stop until you get what you want. You may also go to bat for someone who has trouble standing up for themselves.

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